Episode Archive
121 episodes of That's Dope! Podcast since the first episode, which aired on August 17th, 2018.
Godzilla, Kong, Vaccines, and of course Anime w/ Delmar
April 8th, 2021 | Season 2 | 1 hr 14 mins
a way out, basketball, bhad bhabie, dave, fx, george floyd, georgia, godzilla, godzilla vs kong, kong, movies, nba, one piece, onlyfans, politics, pulp fiction, stopasianhate, tales of, vaccines, voting, wnba
Delmar is back to cohost in this episode where the two reminisce over politics, movies, and current events in early Spring 2021.
A New Season w/ Sam
April 1st, 2021 | Season 2 | 1 hr 11 mins
anime, crypto, dallas, dota, events, ice storm, one piece, overwatch, pandemic, party, samurai, technology, total war, weather
That's Dope! is back after a short hiatus where Godswill and Sam talk about the depression of the season but the hope of what's to come. If this time without the podcast got you down, this episode is sure to pick you up!
2020 Ups and Downs
January 28th, 2021 | Season 2 | 1 hr 57 secs
2020, biden, celebritydeaths, chadwickboseman, discussion, dope, harris, kobe, newyear, newyearresolution, thatsdope, trump, upsanddowns, worldevents
2020, shit was crazy right? Godswill and Delmar sit and discuss the ups and downs. From prominent deaths, to events that shook people worldwide, join us as we look back and much more!
WATASHI GA KITA! w/ Leon Chiro
November 18th, 2020 | Season 2 | 2 hrs 5 mins
anime, assassin's creed, cosplay, dave batista, dbz, dead space 2, final fantasy 7 remake, giorno, golden wind, hunter x hunter, italy, jojo's bizarre adventure, joseph joestar, playstation, ps5, rome, starlord, video games, wwe
Leon Chiro, one of the most famous male international cosplayers, joins the podcast with Godswill to reminisce over great adventures in the past, to talk about how nerd culture has inspired him to cosplay and get strong, his inspirations in wrestling, and much more!
Postman During the Pandemic & Election w/ Delmar
November 10th, 2020 | Season 2 | 58 mins 53 secs
aoc, biden, die hard, election 2020, flagrant 2, kamala harris, kim kardashian, louis dejoy, playstation 5, podcast, politics, post office, star wars christmas, static shock, tokyo godfathers, trump, xbox
Delmar returns to the podcast to give us his experience of being a postman during the pandemic and the election. We talk about Trump, politics, Biden winning, Louis DeJoy, and so much more!
Kanye West for Prez? w/ Sam
November 2nd, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 11 mins
contrapoints, dark souls, disney, edge of tomorrow, election, fall guys, hbo, hotline miami, joe rogan, joe rogan experience #1554 - kanye west, kanye west, lion king, millenials, mulan, netflix, president, star wars, the mandalorian, the witcher, video games, watchmen
Sam joins in on this episode to talk about Kanye West's interview on the Joe Rogan Podcast. We get into what it takes to be president and if Kanye has what it takes, religion, video games, music, and so much more!
October 27th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 13 mins
anime, doctor who, dukes of hazard, john cena, nascar, nerd podcast, nerdcore, podcast, san antonio, tardis, wrestling, wwe, yu yu hakusho, yu-gi-oh
Nerdcore rapper DEACONRAP joins the podcast from a wrestling collectible store to tell us about his upcoming EP, his passions in wrestling and nerd culture, and much more.
The Real Plus Ultra w/ Mason Lieberman
October 12th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 5 mins
anime, audio coordination, charity, cowboy bebop, music, my hero academia, sonic, steve blum, tank, tencent, the real folk blues, yoko kanno
Senior Game Audio Coordinator at Tencent, Mason Lieberman, joins Godswill and Matt in episode 59 of the podcast to discuss how he got into making music for video games and anime.
Ace Vane Making Cartoons Funnier - That's Dope Episode 58
September 28th, 2020 | Season 2 | 56 mins 40 secs
ace vane, comedy, dc comics, instagram, social media, spider-man, superfriends
Comedian and musician Ace Vane jumps on the podcast to talk about how he got started with cartoon comedy sketches, making music, and how he got so funny. Check out one of the most funny sketch artists on Instagram today!
Perspective of a Pornstar in Portland during the Pandemic w/ LanaBee
September 20th, 2020 | Season 2 | 58 mins 8 secs
anime, bella thorne, blm, cosplay, horror movies, pornhub, portland, sex work, spiders, tarantulas, video games
LanaBee, PornHub model and cosplayer, joins Godswill (and introducing Matt as a cohost) to talk about her perspectives as a sex worker, a content creator, and an activist while in the heart of environmental and social contention, Portland. We go through all these topics and more in this episode!
The Seventh Stardust Crusader w/ Jasmin
September 8th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 29 mins
anime expo, avengers, black lives matter, black panther, chadwick boseman, islam, jojo's bizarre adventure, ms. marvel, nerd culture, nessa pokemon, netflix
Jasmin Joestar joins the latest episode to catch up with Godswill after a long break due to the quarantine. The two catch up on why people should watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, inclusion of PoC in nerd culture, the purpose of the Black Lives Matter movement, Ms. Marvel, and much more in this fun episode!
Whoa Mama! w/ Juliette Michele
August 20th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 6 mins
adult swim, american dad, cosplay, dexter's laboratory, onlyfans, sex work, the incredibles
The Juliette Michele aka Bishoujo Mom is back on the podcast to catch up with Godswill online! We dive into her favorite cartoons that inspire her, her mom series of cosplay, what sex works means, and much more!
The Photographer and His World
August 3rd, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 18 mins
animal crossing, anime, diablo, metal music, party, photography, video games, vikings, vinland saga
That's Dope event photographer, Matt, joins the latest episode (and first video episode during the pandemic) with Godswill where they explain why That's Dope is important to them and they run through the music, games, and anime that keep them going during these tough times.
The Queen of the Manga Scene w/ BlackGirlsAnime
July 15th, 2020 | Season 2 | 57 mins 56 secs
aggretsuko, anime, black, manga, nerd, nigerian, sailor moon, shojo
Welcome to the podcast the Marquise of Manga, BlackGirlsAnime's Eunice! If you have ever been interested in what manga is about and you want to get hype about it, then you absolutely need to listen to this episode. But even if you don't know anything manga or anime, you'll have a great time enjoying memories of parties past.
Black Lives Matter 3: A New Perspective
July 6th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 45 mins
allies, black lives matter, blm, civil rights, malcolm x, martin luther king jr
This time Godswill is a guest in this latest episode! As a guest on Amusement Sparks, Godswill joins host Andrew Spohn and guest Sam Versus Sam to have an in-depth conversation on what "Black Lives Matter" means. With questions from Andrew as a White perspective, Godswill and Sam answer questions and discuss their experiences and knowledge of the movement to help shed light on why everyone should be a part of it.
Black Lives Matter 2: Allies of the Movement
June 25th, 2020 | Season 2 | 58 mins 20 secs
allies, black lives matter, blm, civil rights, malcolm x, martin luther king jr
Serine comes back to the podcast for a special Black Lives Matter-focused series of episodes during this movement. It's a serious talk about the perspective of an ally during this momentous civil rights surge and how best to support & amplify voices of the movement.